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Gharalu Totkay English

          Gharalu Totkay 

»If fireplace is not clean in kitchen looks very bad then you should  make habitual of fireplace absterion clean it with surf.all stain and  grease will be absolutely clean and fireplace will be shine.
 »riddance for ant come in kitchen where ants climbe cold water  blow there or that place keep cold ants not come again.
 »If any piece of paper past on furniture stead of scrapr them  insetyion on petty oil and leave for some time then exuviate its easily  vail from furniture and furniture alsi will be not inlcement.
 »Before grind the chillies add slight mustard oil during grind  hereunto chillies not fly on your nose and throath.another benefit  chillies will be fresh long days.
 »clean for golden jewlery grind the five or six cobnet and cook in  water and its water clean the jewelery with brush.
 » keep chalk piece in jewelery box jewelery will not be black.
 »If iron rust then some salt on newspaper and rub it rust will be  away.
 »crystal and stone utensil wasth with vineger look lucent and brigher
 »chafe of sarson oil atHands,feet and mouth mosquito does not  sting.

»For onion abrade exfoliate of onion into two slices soak in water  for some time and and chop them water is not blowing with eyes.
 »Earlier the liquite meat cutst's melon add in pipkin.
 »If chillies hyper in curry then add sour tomato or yogurt chillies will  be reduce.
 »If salt hyper in curry then make flour ball of interwine add in curry  salt will be low.
 »Dont waste tea after cook tea its best for large to plants but do its  cold and insertion in plant's routs.
 »For ward rice to insect comminute sald mix in rices.
 »For riddance from bug if bug have in beg then put bed in sunshine  till two,three days if not die aboil water effuse at bed.
 »For riddance from fly where put minut's fliage fly will not be come  with fragrance of minuts.
 »For riddance from ants then kerosene oil affuse on ant's prick.
 »If hand burn tooth past or suger apply on hands will not be irritation  and aslo will not be pastule.

 »During the cook cabbage add in trifle lemon sap cabbage's smell  away.
 »If smell with wear close shoes then dried the neem leaf grind daily  this powder sprinkle in shoes with its and daily wash the feet with  boild neem's leaf.
 »If paint's brush dry then infuse in lukewarm vineger brush will be  absulutely right.
 »If shoe palish dry then few add petrol.
 »If rice is raw then wet the newspaper muffle the cover pan with it  and dam rice will be cook.
 »One tbsp lemon juice add in rice for looks colour after this tip rice  may be aromatic.
 »If you want away the onion smell with hand apple trifle sald then  wash hand with luke warm water.
 »If keep in one onion in fridge does not come odour.
 »If crush the apple in mix salt water they will be not black.
 »If fish is fusty then its betterly chafe with wheat flour and mustard oil  and wash.
  »Before the abrase garlic if soak in water for two hours then  easiness in abrade.

»Eat green apple belly is reduce.
 »During the vegetables and chickpeas boild add some drops coconut oil its best for saving to wast vitamins.
  »Save the pickle with incliment is necessary should the quantity of salt is much and should not use of damp spoon
 »Sprinkle salt in icebox then freez ice
 »Winkle the lemon juice and dont waste crust boild the all crust then vegitable insertion this water and freez it coloration of vegetables wiill not be defectus
 »If earache teipid the sap of ginger insertion in ear.
 »Green coriander,mint etc for fresh put in moire newspaper and fold it .
 »Lemon keep in uppertight jar and put in freg lemon will be fresh. 
 »Safe the chickpeas from insects keep in shopping bag and put in freg or sprinkle of powder in box.
 »if sting the insect instil the lemon juice apply mortar.


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